Feeling down

I'm feeling quite down and lost in life at the moment and just need a place to vent.

I feel like I'm putting up a pretence to a lot of people that I'm happy and everything is okay. That's not to say I don't have a moan to my friends about the things that are getting me down, annoying me and general crappy life stuff...I do (a lot)! I don't think I've really let on just how low I'm feeling though. The reality is, I'm actually feeling quite low at the moment and don't think I'm okay.

Life is actually pretty good at the moment. I've just spent the weekend catching up with friends up in Leamington Spa and Derby. A good friend of mine even asked me to be his joint best man, which I'm super chuffed about. This week I'm going to dinner with friends on Wednesday, drinks with a friend on Friday, and off to the cinema to watch the new Justice League film with another friend on Sunday.

In September I went travelling (alone) to Switzerland, Italy and Poland; a few weeks ago I went to the Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds concert at the Royal Albert Hall and got to meet some lovely people from Twitter who I've interacted with but never met; and in the last few weeks I've been to the theatre to see 'Between a Man and Woman' and 'A Woman in Black'.

Honestly, there really isn't a lot of bad shit happening in my life, but for some reason, I'm just feeling really down and a little lost. I don't know really why...

I don't have much else to say so I'm just going to leave it at.
